Empowering Students Through the Great Outdoors: Insights from Our Pioneering Trainers

Welcome to an article crafted to shine a spotlight on the perspectives and insights of our dedicated outdoor education trainers. Recently, we had the pleasure of hosting an international school’s students at Mersing, Malaysia, for their residential camp, an event that truly touched our hearts with its resounding success. As we brainstormed ideas for covering this memorable experience, we had a thought: why not introduce the world to the trainers behind the scenes?

In the dynamic landscape of outdoor education, there exist luminaries whose passion for nature, dedication to experiential learning, and unwavering commitment to student growth illuminate the path for future generations. Today, we embark on a journey to uncover the remarkable stories of three extraordinary women—Fiza, Maya, and Wani—who stand at the forefront of a movement to revolutionize the way we learn and grow through outdoor exploration.

In this article, we invite you to delve into the beliefs of three of our esteemed trainers. Each brings a unique level of experience and personality to their role, but what unites them is their unwavering passion and steadfast belief in the transformative power of their work.

If you’re an international school teacher looking to partner with a camp vendor for your next outdoor educational experience… you might want to read on. I believe you will connect deeply with their responses to the following questions.

Introducing Fiza,


and Wani!

01: In your opinion, what sets apart experiential learning and adventure-based training from traditional teaching methods? How do you see this approach benefitting student participants in the long term?

Fiza embodies the essence of fun, confidence, and a deep-rooted commitment to nurturing curiosity and engagement with the world, through actions rather than just words. She champions experiential learning and adventure-based training, believing them to be far superior to traditional teaching methods.

“Instead of just listening and taking notes, students get to be part of real-life experiences that help them develop practical skills, resilience, and creativity. And that's not all; these experiences instill confidence, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities in students, attributes that extend beyond the confines of the classroom. They're not just going to ace tests with this approach; they're gearing up to confront any challenge with courage and determination…

Experiential learning and adventure-based training are simply game changers. They make students curious, help them grow, and empower them to conquer the world…”

“It's education in action, inspiring greatness one adventure at a time.”

Here's Fiza in action at our recent camp for Dulwich Year 4 students!

Maya firmly believes in breaking free from the confines of traditional teaching methods, which often restrict learning within the walls of closed classrooms. She recognizes the limitations of this approach and advocates for the value of adventure-based training and experiential learning provided by Beyond Expeditions.

“One thing I've observed over and over again is that… regardless of age, students absorb information much more effectively when they get the opportunity to apply what they've learned. They not only understand the material better but also derive greater enjoyment and fulfillment from the process.”

Maya believes that such immersive experiences encourage students to step out of their comfort zones and try new things, leading to transformative personal growth. By fostering an environment of trust and confidence, this approach enables students to enhance their skills rapidly and excel in various endeavors.

“Also, most importantly! Taking learning beyond the classroom fosters curiosity, an essential trait that’s valuable at any stage of life!”

“Learning beyond the classroom is not just a supplement to traditional education but a vital catalyst for holistic development.”

Maya demonstrating to students how to light a fire using a ferrocerium rod and natural resources as fuel.

Wani echoes Benjamin Franklin's timeless wisdom:

"Show me, and I will remember. Involve me, and I will understand forever.”

“Nothing is more true than this as children (and even adults!) learn better when they are allowed to be hands-on. 

For Wani, experiential learning is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's about self-discovery. “Experiential learning will help them discover things about themselves that they never knew, helping them to uncover hidden facets of their abilities and develop the confidence and self-belief necessary to navigate life's challenges independently.”

Wani also believes that adventure-based learning, in particular, opens up a vast realm of possibilities for personal growth and exploration. Through confronting challenges and encountering diverse individuals, learners continually evolve and shape their identities, discovering new opportunities tailored to their unique aspirations. On the other hand, she holds a contrasting opinion on classroom learning.

“Classroom learning does help equip students with detailed knowledge, but staying within four walls also limits the opportunity for them to grasp a comprehensive, dynamic understanding of the topic at hand.”

At our recent camp in Mersing, Malaysia, Year 4 students were constantly immersed in and interacting with nature.

02: Can you share a memorable experience during this camp where you witnessed significant growth or transformation in one of your student participants? How did it impact you personally?

: “During the evening walk by the beach, I noticed a girl who appeared visibly upset, and was wandering away from her pals. I approached her to ask her what was wrong. She told me she was feeling homesick.

I wanted to help cheer her up and decided to bring her favorite teacher to talk to her and offer support and comfort. The following night, gathered around the campfire, I couldn't help but notice the transformation in the girl. You could tell that she had grown to embrace the camp experience, and was enjoying spending time with her friends, teachers, and camp trainers. It was really cool to see how much she had changed, and it reminded me that… a simple act of care can turn a challenging situation into a moment of growth and resilience.”

A glimpse of the beach with direct access from our campsite.

Maya: “At our camp, one of the survival skills we focus on is the art of starting a fire using natural resources and a ferrocerium rod—an indispensable survival tool in the wilderness. However, mastering this technique is not easy at all, especially for our younger participants.

As the instructor overseeing this activity, I bore witness to both triumphs and challenges. While some students managed to ignite their fires easily, others encountered obstacles along the way. Despite providing guidance and assistance, many would eventually opt for the easier route of using tissue paper to ignite their flames.

However, there were these three kids whose perseverance stood out. Even after the rest of their class had stopped attempting to light their fire, and were happily roasting and enjoying their marshmallows, these three persisted in trying to light their fire. Their skills were visibly improving with each passing minute, and all three of them eventually successfully lit their fires on their own.

The joy and satisfaction that illuminated their faces were priceless! As their trainer, I felt immensely proud; their persistence and tenacity were remarkable. I believe the impact of their perseverance and determination here will carry forward, guiding them forth in their personal growth.”

The breathtaking view your students will enjoy each day as the sun sets over our campsite.

Wani: “Although I was responsible for overseeing the camp, my duties often kept me occupied, preventing me from personally interacting with the students or witnessing their engagement firsthand... However, during the second camp, there was this heartwarming moment that involved a girl, whom we shall name ‘Cat’ for privacy purposes!

‘Cat’ wanted to list down her name in the line-up for the campfire performances, but she was hesitating a lot and couldn't decide if she wanted to go through with it. 

With encouragement from the Campfire Leader (a fellow trainer), she finally decided to take up the opportunity and put on a fantastic show, singing the whole full song all on her own. She delivered such a mesmerizing performance, captivating the audience with her beautiful voice! With each note, ‘Cat’’s confidence grew, buoyed by the cheers and support of her friends and the acknowledgment of her teachers.

And towards the end, you can also tell that with the encouragement of her friends' cheers, and the acknowledgment of her teachers, she was extremely happy and proud of herself that she did it. This moment not only showcased ‘Cat’s courage and resilience but also underscored the transformative power of encouragement and support within our camp community.”

The trainers took the students along jungle paths, creating a new experience for them with Mother Earth.

03: Can you share a challenging moment you've faced as a trainer during the recent Mersing camp, and how you navigated it? What did you learn from that experience?

In the realm of outdoor education, challenges are not uncommon, but they often serve as catalysts for unity and growth. Such was the case for Fiza, our adept Outdoor Cooking Station Master, whose journey epitomizes the essence of teamwork in the face of adversity.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of her station, Fiza found herself navigating the complexities of managing a busy crowd while prioritizing safety above all else. As the pressure mounted, she felt the weight of responsibility on her shoulders. However, in a heartening turn of events, Fiza discovered an unexpected source of support in her fellow trainers.

“As someone who prioritizes safety, I found myself constantly worrying. Fortunately, I was not alone. The trainers from other groups were lifesavers! They all came together and helped me manage the station. Working with them was a pleasure and a huge source of support. From this experience, I learned to take a deep breath in times of overwhelm, and trust in myself and my team.”

'“With faith and teamwork, we can conquer any challenge that comes our way.”

Fiza in action, going full-on trainer mode during the outdoor cooking session.

Venturing into the realm of outdoor education, Maya's journey thus far serves as a testament to the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of the field. Tasked with guiding a diverse group of Year 4 students, Maya's experience was a tapestry of challenges and revelations, each session offering new insights into the intricacies of student engagement.

“The Year 4 student group I worked with was diverse: some picked up my instructions easily, some needed more time, some gave me their full attention, and some struggled to stay engaged for long periods.”

Maya quickly realized that there was no one-size-fits-all approach. With each session, she adapted her methods, learning to read the subtle cues of her students and tailor her instructions to their individual needs. It was a journey marked by constant adjustment and refinement. 

The students learned to work together to set up their own tents.

Maya's growth wasn't confined to her interactions with students alone. Immersed in a collaborative environment, she gleaned invaluable lessons from her fellow trainers. Observing their interactions with students and absorbing their wisdom, Maya honed her craft, integrating new techniques to enhance her instructional delivery.

“I also learned a great deal from the trainers I worked with. I observed how they interacted with the students and the individual activities they used to keep them engaged. They provided valuable advice on how I could improve my delivery of instructions to students of that age, and for that, I am incredibly grateful!

My respect for educators has certainly grown, and all I can say is that it's no easy task!”

A shot of Wani with fellow trainer, Dzul.

For Wani, there were many challenging moments, “...which unfortunately can’t be shared due to privacy reasons! But like any other time, I find that the best way forward is simply to keep calm, center attention on the task at hand, and channel energy into productive solutions rather than wasting ranting or being upset. These may just affect my emotions more and get less work done!”

04: As a trainer, what do you feel is most important for a student’s growth during an outdoor camp?

For Fiza, it’s all about the environment we create for the students. 

The students had a blast being out at sea during the recent Dulwich camp!

“I truly believe that to support a student’s growth, we need to create a warm and welcoming environment where they can freely explore their passions, embrace their individuality, and indulge their curiosity. They should feel comfortable making mistakes and encourage them to learn from them.”

Fiza stresses on how essential it is to acknowledge every little success they achieve, as well as their significant accomplishments. “Furthermore, we need to show them that growth is not just about climbing higher; it can also be about growing in any direction that suits their unique journey best. Whether they want to take small steps, a big leap, or meander along, what matters is that this is their own personal development journey, and their own unique path towards becoming the best version of themselves.”

Taking their first steps into the sea, together.

For Maya, it’s all about giving the students space. 

“I don't think overwhelming students or pressuring them to achieve something is beneficial. I've learned that each student is unique and requires their own time to grasp information and complete tasks.

One of my favorite moments from the recent Mersing camp was when the children had free time at the beach with their friends, and were able to do whatever they wanted to. Even though this wasn't structured learning time, they were engaged in creating their games where they worked as a team, and went deep into exploring and learning about their environment. They were also communicating their feelings and thoughts frequently with each other! This kind of unstructured play is an essential part of any student’s growth. And sometimes, the most significant growth happens when you least expect it!”

The students had the opportunity to strategize how to allocate money to keep themselves well-fed.

For Wani, it’s all about support.

“In anything they do, whether it is 1) something new or 2) something they already have experienced, these students must know they have the room to make decisions and mistakes, and the opportunity to learn from them as well. Growth happens when one feels safe, so it is important that these kids know they always have someone supporting them from the back and to catch them when they fall - this way they can and will trust the learning process.”

05: As a trainer, what do you believe is the most rewarding aspect of your role, and why?

Fiza loves instilling the habit of actively listening, fostering information retention, nurturing self-sufficiency, promoting teamwork, and cultivating a love for the outdoors in her students. “Seeing them benefit from learning these values and understanding why they're crucial is incredibly rewarding. It's a joy to watch them embrace these concepts!”

The students at the recent camp in Mersing spent a good amount of time being completely immersed in nature.

Maya appreciates the opportunity to witness the transformation of participants when they successfully acquire a new skill or learn something new. “It doesn't matter their age or background; meeting them, personally interacting, and teaching them about things I enjoy is very rewarding. It’s particularly gratifying seeing them warm up and get deep into the activities! However, knowledge is always a two-way street, and I also appreciate how I always get to learn something new from my participants too!”

For Wani, it’s about how she knows that these students walk away with not just new knowledge, but also a fun and memorable experience that’ll stay in their memory. “Having these experiences would help them further discover themselves, especially when it comes to their strengths, what it means to build lasting connections and friendships, how it feels to be excited for the unknowns, to find comfort in nature/ outdoors, and to know that they will also unconsciously bring the values, soft and hard skills, positive attitude for the rest of their lives.” 

06: Looking ahead, what are your aspirations and goals for the future of your work as a trainer, and how do you envision continuing to make a positive impact on student participants' lives?

"I aspire to combine my expertise in outdoor education with my insatiable wanderlust," Fiza shares with contagious enthusiasm. "Traveling opens doors to endless possibilities, and I want to share these real-life experiences with my students, showing them the practical applications of outdoor skills in diverse environments."

For Fiza, the journey towards expanding her knowledge in this field is an ongoing one—a commitment she knows will take years to fulfill. Yet, fueled by her passion for adventure and the great outdoors, she remains undeterred in her quest to inspire the next generation of explorers and adventurers.

"I envision sparking curiosity and igniting a love for exploration in my students," Fiza continues. "Through my journeys and dedication to broadening my horizons, I hope to instill in them a sense of wonder and appreciation for the world around them."

Fiza sharing her thoughts at the debrief session for trainers after the camp ended.

"I've always been drawn to the beauty and serenity of the outdoors," Maya reflects, "and I firmly believe in its ability to enrich lives and foster personal growth." In a city like Singapore, where outdoor experiences may be limited for many, Maya finds immense joy in helping others discover the wonders of nature. "It's incredibly fulfilling to witness someone's eyes light up as they connect with the natural world," she shares with a smile.

A shot of students at a recent camp, strolling along the beach.

Looking ahead, Maya is filled with excitement for the opportunities that lie ahead. As a dedicated trainer, she is eager to continue welcoming more people to the outdoors while embarking on her own journey of exploration and growth. "Every experience, whether big or small, offers a chance to learn and grow," Maya enthuses. "And I can't wait to share these discoveries with others."

For some students, it may be their first time discovering the sea!

In the realm of education, Wani's aspirations reach far beyond the confines of traditional learning. With a bold vision and unwavering determination, she dreams of building a platform where students are encouraged to fearlessly explore the world around them—a platform where barriers such as self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and fear of the unknown are shattered, and where the true essence of personal growth is embraced.

"For too long, students have been confined by the limitations of their fears and insecurities," Wani reflects. "It's time to break free from these constraints and empower them to embrace their true selves."

Central to Wani's vision is the development of tailored programs designed to meet the unique needs of students at different stages of their educational journey. Coupled with opportunities to engage with seasoned trainers who share her passion for exploration and discovery, Wani envisions a platform where students are nurtured, inspired, and encouraged to unlock their full potential.

"Through our programs, students will not only learn to survive but thrive in the world," Wani declares. "They will discover the power within themselves and develop a deep-seated appreciation for the beauty and wonder of the outdoors."

As Wani's vision takes shape, she remains steadfast in her commitment to empowering students to embrace the unknown, cultivate curiosity, and fall in love with the world around them. With each program developed and each student inspired, she moves one step closer to realizing her dream of creating a brighter, more adventurous future for all.

It is only in nature, where students get precious opportunities to discover more of who they truly are.

In conclusion, as we wrap up our discussion on the transformative power of outdoor education, we invite you to delve deeper into our recent adventure with students during their residential camp in Mersing, Malaysia. Discover firsthand the magic of experiential learning and the joy of exploration that awaits.

Moreover, if you're an international school teacher seeking to offer your students an empowering, fun, and truly transformational outdoor educational experience, we encourage you to reach out to us. Let us tailor a program that ignites curiosity, fosters resilience, and instills a lifelong love for the great outdoors in your students. Together, let's embark on a journey of discovery and growth like no other. Get in touch today to start planning your next unforgettable adventure!

Read more about what we have worked on for other international students too;

We conducted a large-scale Amazing Race for Year 7 and 9 students in 2023, that had them exploring important heritage sites around Singapore.

We also hosted an overnight campcraft programme for 200 of Tanglin Trust’s Year 5 students over four days in early 2023!

Back in 2022, our trainers also conducted a 3-day outdoor education week for over 120 students and teachers from the Singapore American School (SAS), where we even incorporated an additional Survival-of-the-Fittest segment just to spice things up!

Article written by: Valerie

Valerie, a freelance writer with a quirky infatuation with steamed buns and slightly bizarre food combinations. 

(“Try soft-boiled eggs and hot milo!”)

She wishes to keep writing stories that bypass typical food reviews and appreciation of scenery, stories that inspire readers to pursue curious conversations about the unique cultures and lifestyles of every country.


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