Beyond Limits and Beyond Ourselves: Irisha's Journey from Breast Cancer Survivor to Legendary Trailblazer

In the serene embrace of Kyrgyzstan, where each breath is a testament to endurance and each step is a dance with the unknown, we find a story that touches the soul. Irisha, a breast cancer survivor whose spirit is as boundless as the wilderness she ventured into, recently embarked on Beyond Limits 7 (BL7)—a journey that was as much about pushing physical boundaries as it was about reclaiming her inner strength.

Here's a shot of Irisha with a wide smile, midway through the trek in Kyrgyzstan!

Imagine the raw emotion that comes with standing in the midst of one of the world’s most untouched natures, where you feel both the weight of past battles and the exhilaration of new challenges. For Irisha, BL7 was not just an expedition; it was a deeply personal quest to redefine her limits and connect with something greater than herself. Her experience was a profound reminder of the healing power of nature, the support of a loving community, and the courage to face life's toughest moments head-on.

In this heartfelt interview, we delve into Irisha’s journey—her fight against cancer, her transformative moments during BL7, and the profound lessons she has learned. Her story is not just about survival but about thriving, finding peace amidst chaos, and embracing the strength within. Join us as we explore Irisha’s intimate journey, a tale of resilience and hope that will inspire and move you.

Irisha and some wildflowers she picked during the BL7 trek!

1.How would your closest friends describe you as a person?

Irisha reached out to two of her closest friends; Renee from Singapore and Marina from Switzerland! Here’s what they each have to say, and their words are more than enough to give you a taste of who our featured participant is as a person.

Irisha’s daughter, Irisha herself and Renee

Renee (Singapore): “Irisha is a firecracker of a woman! She has a heart of gold, passionate, smart and incredibly wise. I’ve not met anyone quite like her.”

Irisha (left) and Marina (right)

Marina (Switzerland): "I’ve known Irina for almost 20 years, and I’d describe her as ‘The Personality’. She has an extraordinary ability to attract and command attention—no one can remain indifferent when she’s in the room.

Irina’s incredible energy, directness, and strong will are remarkable. She pours love and energy into everything she does, caring deeply for everyone she meets. Her fierce sense of justice drives her to fight for what’s right, search for solutions, and make changes she believes in, with unmatched dedication. 

Yet, behind this lionhearted fighter is a tender soul who deeply feels for the weak and those in need. Her big heart wishes to embrace the world's grief and protect those who suffer, though it’s hard for her to accept that her passion alone can’t change the world.

Irina admirably balances taking care of her family, looking effortlessly great, and remaining tireless. She’s a generous host and a dynamic friend. Her qualities and actions make her a powerful and exceptional personality.”

Presenting to you, the powerful and exceptional Irisha.

2.What kind of travels do you usually embark on? 

Irisha leans more towards places of rich history, different cultures, and natural landscapes.

“For example! Chichén Itzá in Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, the Sahara (desert). The Roman ruins in Tunisia, Istanbul, Rome, Athens, Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Central Java (Borobudur, Prambanan), Kyoto…”

Here’s Irisha in Chichén Itzá, Mexico!

And here’s a shot of Irisha in the Sahara desert with a camel!

3.What made you decide to come on board BL7?

“I stepped in for this expedition due to a personal emergency for my dragon boat captain (who was supposed to go). I wanted to support my fellow breast cancer warriors, I wanted to support BCF, and also to go back to my roots. I am originally from Kazakhstan, Almaty region, and this expedition was going to be just a 6-hour drive away from my village. So, same landscape, the same simplicity of life.”

A shot of Irisha during BL7, against the landscape of Kyrgyzstan.

Some context here is that Irisha joined the Dragonboat team in Breast Cancer Foundation as a way of building back her strength after all her treatment. This will be explained further in her answer to my next question. 

“Oh! Also, Queen’s 'I Want to Break Free' shot into my mind as THE perfect rallying cry for this experience!

And I knew the group could use my help with translations too (I speak Russian!)

4.What’s an analogy that best represents how your journey with breast cancer was for you?

It was a rough time for Irisha. 

“I’d say, my journey with breast cancer was akin to me being a wounded, cornered tiger who was cornered into a dark cave, hissing and growling at anyone who tried to come near during my battle (with breast cancer).” 

Irisha has some rough challenges stacked for her, while battling breast cancer.

“I had young children, and this one question kept crowding my mind. ‘Will I be able to be there for them?’ … It is a painful thought to have. 

A photo of Irisha and her daughter, before she began chemotherapy. Irisha shaved her hair all by herself before the treatment began!

The battle (with breast cancer) was exhausting; I had zero energy left for my kids and the household… but I’ve still got to do it. I had no help, no one to support me; we had just moved to Singapore and didn't know anyone. Furthermore, it all happened during Covid season too…”

Irisha also went through her first surgery with a very unfortunate outcome. “That surgery left me in a handicapped state for very long… it took me 3 years to ‘fix’ my body. And furthermore, chemotherapy gave me severe side effects. I couldn’t eat much, and there was this pain in my bones that felt like it was constantly destroying me from within. It was a big, nasty thing. The suffering and mental strain I experienced during cancer treatment are indescribable…

But finally, after my last surgery in November 2023, I finished my physiotherapy earlier this year in May (hooray for Irisha!) so this trip is a huge milestone for me.”

Irisha continued. “I spent quite some time licking my own wounds, working hard on healing myself before finally being willing to ‘come out of my cave’, to see the world again. It took me a while to finally find myself ‘purring happily’ and walking on confidently again…”

“I came out of my battle with breast cancer, much stronger than before.”

A photo of Irisha and her daughter, 3 years after she began chemotherapy. A trip in celebration of the end of her chemotherapy treatment!

Irisha practising yoga in the wilderness of Kyrgyzstan.

5.What were the strongest emotions you found yourself feeling during this expedition? 

Irisha listed five.

1) Admiration (of nature, deep bonding) 

“I had tears of happiness, from the intense beauty of nature I got to witness during our trek; breathtaking mountain views, crisp clean air, majestic trees, tiny wild strawberries, freely galloping horses, fresh aromatic herbs, bumblebees happily buzzing from flower to flower, eagles soaring high above us against a backdrop of deep blue skies…” Irisha was filled with so much pure, unadulterated joy, to the point where she felt ‘like a baby again’.  

Just look at Irisha’s smile here, as she crosses a river on horseback during the recent BL7 expedition!

“I could sit by the river for a whole hour out in the cold, just listening to the sound of its water flowing. I could lie down and watch the clouds. I could hug a tree (wish we could have had more time in the forest!).”

Irisha happily riding a horse across a river during BL7.

“... Reconnecting with nature gave me such a boost of energy… it still feels like such a dream.”

2) Disappointment (due to change) 

Midway through the trek, the team had to take on a milder trekking route, as some team members were struggling with altitude sickness. “Initially, I couldn’t help feeling disappointed… I was feeling all this passionate energy but now, I cannot accomplish what I initially promised myself to.”

Irisha got through her disappointment by watching the clouds above her; the clouds helped remind her to accept whatever came her way. 

“When I was younger, I used to lie on the ground to look up at the clouds. I’ll name them as different animals according to their shape. They’d move slowly, changing shapes all the time… it is very soothing. And looking at the clouds has always been helpful for me when it comes to embracing and accepting whatever life gives.”

Irisha, with the skies of Kyrgyzstan laid out before her.

3) Gratitude and appreciation

Irisha felt grateful for every part of their trekking journey, “... even including all the times we fell!” She felt so proud of the BL7 team members for helping one another up whenever someone fell in the mud. “It was beautiful and inspiring, how we would just keep walking on, singing songs on difficult parts of the route and our time together was constantly filled with laughter…”

A snippet of a part of their trekking route. The range of scenery that greeted them at every part of their trek was stunning.

Irisha continued to list out some of the things she appreciated most about each member of the expedition.

“Kym is always looking out for others, keeping watch and waiting. Both expedition captains, Kelvin and Victor, are ever-helpful, constantly checking on the team. KL, known as The Music Box, can catch any melody and sing the lyrics on the spot—it's incredible. Carol, who fell in the mud and then pressed on, was supported and cheered on by the whole team. And Kelvin, in particular, never fails to make everyone laugh.”

A shot of Irisha and Victor during the trek!

The BL7 team, where every member brings such love and joy to the journey.

Here’s a group shot of the BL7 team!

4) Satisfaction and fulfillment.

BL7 left Irisha with a huge sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. 

“... there’s this very satisfying feeling of having made a greater impact. There was this moment when I talked to two 8-year-old girls about challenges in women's life and cancer.”

“What did you talk to them about specifically?”

"I told them this; that life can be a lot of fun, but it can also be challenging sometimes. And when life gets hard, we have a choice: we can say, 'It's too hard, so I’m staying inside and not playing,' or we can say, 

'I’m strong and can handle tough things. Even when it’s hard, I’ll get stronger and keep going.' 

The influence Irisha chose to gift to these young children is gentle, and powerful.

And even in the times when we feel sick… if we believe in ourselves, we will always get better and come out on top of our game."

It was heartwarming for Irisha to see how open they were to her message and their determination to face future challenges. They also eagerly repeated every mantra she shared and showed a strong desire to join her. 

Here are the mantras Irisha shared with these precious young minds;

“I am enough.

I am strong.

I am smart.

I am beautiful.

I believe in myself.

I am kind to myself.

I am loved.

I am safe.

I can do anything I put my mind to.”
— Quote Source

To Irisha, it truly felt like a 'MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!' moment—what a blessing to experience that!

Irisha took a selfie with one of the local Kyrgyz girls she talked to!

5) Peace (post-BL7)

Now that Irisha is back in Singapore, “... I feel deeply at peace now. It's a week of returning to reality but I'm still feeling this huge sense of  peace… a feeling I hope to keep with me forever.” Irisha shared that when she returned, people around her also commented on how she “returned with bright, sparkling eyes :)”

Irisha found peace during this expedition, in each moment she took to be present with herself.

6.What was an unexpected challenge you faced during this expedition? How did you end up overcoming it?

Before the trip, Irisha was concerned about keeping up with the intense hiking due to her health issues. She feared she might become a burden, given the team's fitness level. However, the trek challenged her in a different way: she had to slow down, hold back, and wait for others, which gave her a chance to clear her mind. The moment she let go of her self-doubt and worries, she felt the strongest during the trip.

The trek wasn’t easy, but Irisha found her way to overcome each challenge that came her way.

Another challenge Irisha anticipated was the lack of mobile signal. However, she ended up struggling with the idea of returning to it. “It felt quite scary to go without signal for so many days, but surprisingly, the real challenge was turning my phone back on when it was time. I didn't want to, hahaha!”

"In fact, from now on, BL7 has inspired me to put away my phone more often and spend time in nature.”


7.What were three moments during the trip that stood out most to you?

1) Simplicity of life.

“The people living in these modest conditions seem to lead happier lives than those of us in abundance, constantly yearning for more. They laugh more freely and live with so little—a few clothes, a single-room yurt with almost nothing inside, sharing everything with passersby, and leaving their doors open. Unlike us, always chasing after more and stressing ourselves out, they find joy in the simplicity of sitting beside a horse, taking in their surroundings, and smiling. Despite their perceived poverty, these shepherds, who always ate after us, somehow seem richer in spirit.”

One of our local Kyrgyz guides, a reliable presence who was crucial to the success of BL7.

Another one of our local Kyrgyz team, who helped take care of the participants throughout the trek!

2) Kyrgyzstan team on a rescue mission when we lost our drone girl.

“When we lost our drone girl, the Kyrgyz team sprang into action like a scene from a Western movie—dropping everything to rescue her with determination, bravery, and selflessness. 

We had climbed a hill, trudged through a dense forest (where I begged for a quick tree hug), and descended in the rain, our vision obscured. When we reached the bottom and the rain stopped, we realized she was missing. The horse guide immediately alerted everyone, dropped the horse's bags, and dashed back with remarkable determination. Despite the vast territory, he quickly found her in the forest. I understood why she stayed put in the forest though, and wished I had stayed with her!”

Note: Irisha does have a soft spot for the forest!

The team trekking through a forest during the expedition.

3) When Carol's horse fell in the mud.

Irisha was right behind when Carol fell from the horse, and her heart plummeted when she saw her fall. “I was immensely relieved to see her get up. I was also deeply impressed by the quick actions of our doctor and shepherd in caring for both her and the horse. My heart warmed at the sight of so many people coming together to help, clean, and comfort Carol. I felt a strong sense of confidence and pride in her resilience as she continued the hike on foot. It was also touching to see the same loving, caring attitude extended to the injured horse, treated with the same compassion as a cherished person rather than just a broken vehicle."

8.What is one reason why you feel other breast cancer survivors should also come onboard this expedition?

Irisha finds that an expedition of this nature is “...perfect for reconnecting with nature and team spirit! Move beyond the anxiety of ‘will the cancer return’ and embrace the present. You are healthy and strong now; embrace the Power of Now. 

Make every day count, and you'll be amazed at what you can achieve."

Irisha conquered the mountains and valleys of Kyrgyzstan because she embraced her present. And you can, too.

9.As we ended off, what’s one message you’d like to give to the world? 

For everyone, here’s what Irisha wants you to hear from her, 

“You might think it’s challenging to shift to a positive mindset and transform your life, but see how simple it can be—just one trip like BL7! Or simply go outside, hug a tree, quiet your inner voices, and embrace the inner peace you find. Hold onto it, and don't let the outside world bring you down.

And specifically for cancer survivors? Here’s my ‘fist-bump’ rule against cancer:

  1. Thumb Up: You’ve been diagnosed. Don’t panic—panic will drown you. Breathe deeply, gather information, make a plan with your doctor, and FIGHT.

  2. Move Your Body: It’s tough to move during chemo, but start with baby steps. Increase your activity gradually, try yoga, and exercise daily. It’s your path to recovery.

  3. Work on Your Mindset: Clear your thoughts and never give up. Keep pushing through the hardships; there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. Dream big and believe you can achieve it.

  4. Go Vegan: Change your diet. It will improve your bloodwork, overall well-being, and energy levels.

  5. Seek Support: Don’t fight alone. Together we are stronger. Join BCF and connect with others.

That’s my fist-bump punch against cancer—it works!

Irisha’s cheering you on, even as the local Kyrgyz medic is taking her blood pressure midway through the trek!

10.Also, what’s a message you’d like to give to yourself as you journey forth after this expedition?

And as we end off this interview, here’s something that Irisha wants to say to herself as she moves on in her journey, post-BL7.

“Irisha, please preserve this precious energy for as long as possible. Keep replenishing it and share it with those in need.”

May we all be inspired by the way Irisha gives her energy so abundantly to the world.

A lovely message to the self, and hopefully one that inspires you and your heart too.

Irisha’s journey through Beyond Limits 7 stands as a powerful testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit. Her story of overcoming breast cancer, embracing new challenges, and finding profound healing in nature offers a beacon of hope and inspiration. Through the harsh conditions of the expedition, she not only rediscovered her inner strength but also illuminated the path for others to follow.

As you consider Irisha’s story, reflect on this: 

What would you discover about yourself if you faced a challenge that seemed beyond your reach? How might confronting your own limits lead to unexpected growth and empowerment?

So if you are curious and inspired to know what could come for you if you push yourself beyond limits, if Irisha’s story sparks a desire in you to explore new horizons? Join us for Beyond Limits 8 in Bhutan from December 12-21, 2024, where we’ll trek through the mystical realm of the Thunder Dragon for the Breast Cancer Foundation.

Alternatively, prepare to brave the harsh conditions of Mongolia with Beyond Limits 9: ‘ON ICE’ 2.0, from February 6-16, 2025. 

Each expedition is a chance to test your limits, support a vital cause, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Take the leap, push your limits, and join us in making a difference. Your journey starts here.

Article written by: Valerie

Valerie, a freelance writer with a quirky infatuation with steamed buns and slightly bizarre food combinations. 

(“Try soft-boiled eggs and hot milo!”)

She wishes to keep writing stories that bypass typical food reviews and appreciation of scenery, stories that inspire readers to pursue curious conversations about the unique cultures and lifestyles of every country.




Redefining Leadership Amidst Kyrgyzstan's Majestic Mountains: An Interview with Kelvin and Victor, Expedition Leaders of Beyond Limits 7