Redefining Leadership Amidst Kyrgyzstan's Majestic Mountains: An Interview with Kelvin and Victor, Expedition Leaders of Beyond Limits 7

In the heart of the rugged wilderness, where the air thins and the terrain tests every ounce of strength, Beyond Limits 7 emerged as a crucible of both physical endurance and profound transformation.

Leading this challenging expedition were two expedition leaders tasked with the immense challenge of guiding a diverse group of 13 (9 participants, themselves as expedition leaders and also our two founders of Beyond Expeditions; Scott and Kavita!) through extreme conditions, all while championing the cause of the Breast Cancer Foundation (BCF).

In this exclusive interview, we unravel the depths of Victor and Kelvin’s journey, their evolving approach to leadership, and the way the trials of Beyond Limits 7 have redefined their perspectives. Prepare to delve into the extraordinary and enigmatic realm of these two men’s experience, where each step and decision echoes with the spirit of transformation and resilience.

Victor's on the left, and Kelvin's on the right!

  1. Which animal do you feel best represents you as a person? 

victor: an eagle

At this stage in Victor’s life, the eagle best represents how he is as a person. Here’s why Victor chose an eagle for himself.

“An eagle embodies grace and resilience, remaining silent and aloof in the face of negativity. 

When a crow, symbolic of our detractors and distractions, attempts to provoke or hinder an eagle, the eagle doesn’t engage in conflict. Instead, it soars higher and higher, making it harder for the crow to breathe and eventually distancing itself from the crow’s interference and rising above the disturbance. The eagle represents my attitude towards life.

Eagles are known to embrace the rain, but rather than seeking shelter like other birds, they ascend above the storm, where the skies are clear. This reflects the notion that while problems are inevitable, I believe that attitude can transform the way I experience them.

Eagles are solitary by nature, preferring to fly alone rather than joining the flocks of less ambitious birds. Unlike the parrot, which may chatter endlessly but lacks the ability to soar, the eagle remains quiet and focused, soaring to great heights. This solitary flight represents the necessity of distancing oneself from negativity and unmotivated attitudes to continue personal growth.

In the pursuit of self-improvement, solitude is often the price we pay. To rise above the noise and achieve true growth, we must sometimes embrace the loneliness that accompanies our journey.”

KELVIN: an elephant

As for Kelvin, he shared that there are several animals he really likes, but an elephant perfectly represents his personality. "On the surface, the elephant might seem intimidating," Kelvin explains, "but in reality, it's one of the most gentle creatures on earth. I think I’m similar in that way. While I might come across as intimidating at first, those who really get to know me will find that I'm actually quite down-to-earth and gentle." Kelvin's reflection offers a fascinating glimpse into the softer side of his character, showcasing a depth and warmth that might not be immediately apparent.

2. What kind of travels do you usually embark on? What made you decide to come on board BL7?

VICTOR: mostly cities

Victor reveals that he takes great pleasure in immersing himself in diverse cultures, exploring local cuisines, and understanding the social issues that each city or country faces. “I love diving into a place’s history and experiencing firsthand how locals live. My travels typically involve visiting various cities, savoring their unique dishes, meeting residents to discover hidden gems, and joining walking tours to delve deeper into the city’s past.”

However, Victor mostly stayed within urban environments, rarely venturing into nature. “I realized that spending 8 days in the wilderness would offer a unique opportunity to connect with nature and experience its interconnectedness. It seemed like the perfect way to step outside my comfort zone, test my limits, and foster personal growth.”

KELVIN: Hiking trips

Kelvin shares his enthusiasm for his favourite type of travel: hiking. “I love all kinds of trips, but for the past couple of years, I’ve been focusing primarily on hiking adventures,” he says. “I typically go on two or three hiking trips a year. These trips are what I enjoy the most because they keep me motivated and give me a wonderful sense of fulfilment, you know? I genuinely look forward to each hiking journey and the good feelings they bring!”

This year, Kelvin was searching for a meaningful adventure after completing two hikes earlier. “My initial goal was to tackle Kilimanjaro, but then I came across Beyond Expeditions’ Instagram. I saw a post about a destination I couldn't even pronounce—Kyrgyzstan—and I didn’t even know it existed. The trip also had a cause associated with it, which piqued my interest. I thought, why not seize this chance? It was a spontaneous decision, but it offered a unique opportunity to raise funds for a good cause. I ended up really enjoying the experience and the chance to contribute to something meaningful.”

3. Before BL7, what do you think makes a great leader? did this change After being an expedition leader for BL7?

victor: someone who motivates, inspires, and leads by example

To Victor, a great leader is defined by several key qualities. 

“It’s not just about personal excellence but also about operating with integrity and earning trust through virtuous and honorable actions. A great leader leads by example, demonstrating the values and work ethic they expect from their team. They also prioritize the well-being and development of their people, creating an environment where everyone feels valued and supported. Additionally, they can motivate and inspire, uplifting their team and fostering a positive spirit that drives collective success.”

After stepping in to be an expedition leader for BL7, Victor now has a fifth point to add to what makes a great leader.

“My experience as expedition leader in BL7 inspired me to also see that a great leader is resolute in their decision-making, even when it may be an unpopular decision.” 

Victor shared about how, “... during our expedition, our leaders, Scott and Kavita, made the difficult choice to forego two of the three high altitude passes initially included in our itinerary, despite half the team’s desire to continue. Five members in the team weren’t doing so great, so we took safety into consideration by altering the route and trekking at a lower altitude compared to what was initially planned. This decision, though unpopular, was necessary to ensure the safety of team members struggling with altitude sickness, highlighting the leader's commitment to the team's well-being over personal or group preferences.”

KELVIN: a charismatic team player who makes tough decisions

In discussing what defines a great leader, Kelvin emphasizes that true leadership involves being a team player, making tough decisions, and possessing charisma to effectively communicate and inspire. Reflecting on his experience as an expedition leader for BL7, Kelvin acknowledges a significant shift in his perspective. 

“I had an ego check,” he admits. “I always thought I was a great leader, especially as a captain on my football team. But BL7 taught me that leadership isn’t just about individual prowess; it’s about the team. I learned that making difficult decisions is a crucial part of leading and that it’s not solely about my own contributions, but about guiding and supporting the team as a whole.”

Kelvin and his soccer team.

4. What were the strongest emotions you felt during this expedition? 

victor: gratitude

Grateful,” was Victor’s strongest emotion.

Victor continued to share about the various elements of the expedition he was grateful for. “Throughout my time in the mountains, surrounded by nature, I felt an overwhelming presence of positive energy that truly uplifted my spirit. The experience was both humbling and transformative, and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to connect so profoundly with the natural world.

I began the expedition with an injury, but I am thankful that it did not impede my hike. The Kyrgyz team’s constant care and check-ins were reassuring, and I appreciate their support. Additionally, some of my fellow team members offered their assistance and encouragement, which made a significant difference.”

Meeting such wonderful and like-minded people on this journey was another highlight for Victor. Their presence and camaraderie greatly enriched the experience for him, making it all the more memorable. 

“... and in summary, I am profoundly grateful for the chance to immerse myself in nature, the support I received, and the incredible people I met along the way.”

kelvin: purpose and fulfilment

The strongest emotion Kelvin felt during the expedition was a profound sense of purpose and fulfilment. “I can’t quite find the right word for it, but it was a deep satisfaction knowing that every step I took was making a difference—whether it was raising money or hiking alongside first-time adventurers and breast cancer survivors. Witnessing their incredible perseverance and never-give-up attitude left me in awe. As one of the youngest on the team, I was deeply moved by their strength and resilience. It was truly an amazing experience, despite the setbacks I faced, which I’ll discuss in the next question.”

5. What was an unexpected challenge you faced as an expedition leader during this expedition? How did you end up overcoming it?

VICTOR: how to best offer support to struggling team members

It was Victor’s first time hiking at such high altitudes, and he was unprepared for the extent to which the altitude would impact some participants. “I found it challenging to provide the necessary help and support to those struggling. Through this experience, I learned the importance of adapting my communication style to better meet their needs.”

For instance, Victor learnt that directly asking team members if they needed help often backfired. “They felt that admitting they needed assistance compromised their pride and worried about being a burden on the team. They were reluctant to accept help, fearing it would add to the workload of others.”

Instead of pressing them for help, Victor approached the situation with empathy, acknowledging their difficulties and offering support in a more compassionate manner. “By reassuring them that seeking help was okay and framing it in a supportive context, I was able to encourage them to accept assistance and ultimately find the support they needed. This approach not only helped them get through the challenges but also fostered a more understanding and cooperative environment within the team.”

KELVIN: how to manage a disappointing situation

One unexpected challenge Kelvin faced occurred at around 3,700 meters when their medic decided to pause the trek to conduct a routine checkup. “My blood pressure was flagged as high, which was surprising since I had no prior history of high blood pressure and had completed several hikes, including Everest Base Camp last year and two hikes earlier this year. The medic advised that I couldn’t continue hiking, which was a huge blow to my ego and confidence. I felt like I was letting the team down… and, honestly, I also felt like I had failed myself.”

Initially, it was tough for Kelvin to accept this reality. “I was so frustrated and disappointed, and it showed in my facial expression and body language. I realized later that my reaction wasn’t the most supportive of the team and may have brought down the team’s morale. 

I feel really apologetic, thinking about it now… and after some reflection, I now understand that I could have accepted the situation more maturely and focused on supporting the team in other ways. I could have worked harder to maintain a positive attitude to keep the team's motivation high, especially since they were about to embark on the hike!”

6. What were three moments during the trip that stood out most to you?

victor: ascending juukuu pass, stargazing in the mountains and wild strawberries

Ascending Juuku Pass was the most demanding part of the hike for Victor, pushing his body to its limits! “This challenge was particularly meaningful to me because I thrive on testing my boundaries and find great satisfaction in overcoming obstacles.

Stargazing in the mountains was another profound experience for me. As I gazed up at the vast expanse of the universe, I felt a deep sense of humility and awe, realizing how small and insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things.” It was a serene reminder for Victor of our place in the cosmos.

One of the simplest joys for him, was savoring wild strawberries in the mountains. “These small delights, provided by nature, brought a burst of sweetness and brightness to my day. In a world often focused on instant gratification, this experience taught me to value and cherish the small, meaningful moments that life offers.”

KELVIN: ascending juukuu pass, drastic weather changes and a fall from a horse

Turns out, ascending Juuku Pass was also a moment that stood out for Kelvin. “It was an intense climb, and everyone was absolutely shattered. Despite the fatigue, we really pushed each other, and there was a strong sense of determination throughout the group. We even had sheep climbing alongside us on the cliff edges, which added to the challenge. But we stuck together and made it to the top, which felt incredibly rewarding.”

Another memorable experience for Kelvin was the drastic weather changes the team faced while walking in Arable Valley. “It was so crazy. We encountered everything from sun to rain, hail, and even snow—all in a single day. It was a wild and unpredictable experience, and it tested everyone’s resolve. Despite the tough conditions, everyone kept pushing forward, demonstrating amazing perseverance.”

There was also this situation on the second-to-last day when a fellow participant fell from a horse. I ran over to her so fast, that I didn’t realize the mud where the horse had slipped was soft and sinking. I almost got stuck myself. Fortunately, the horse didn’t fall on the participant, and everyone was safe. What stood out to me was the incredible teamwork that followed. The medic was quickly attended to, and the team came together to clean up the participant and even the injured horse. It was such a powerful moment of camaraderie. We had only known the medic for a short time, but he felt like a brother, and the horse became part of our crew. Seeing everyone work together… that moment really stood out to me. I hold that moment dearly in my heart.”

7. As we end off, what’s one message you’d like to give to the world? Also, what’s a message you’d like to give to yourself as you journey forth after this expedition?

victor: be in the ‘now’

To conclude, Victor shared a thought-provoking quote by Paulo Coelho:

“‘We are in such a hurry to grow up, and then we long for our lost childhood. We make ourselves ill earning money, and then spend all our money on getting well again. We think so much about the future that we neglect the present, and thus experience neither the present nor the future. We live as if we were never going to die, and die as if we had.’

My message to the world and myself is simple yet profound: We often find ourselves caught in the past or consumed by worries about the future…

But true peace and fulfillment come from embracing the present moment. By focusing on the NOW, we can find balance and contentment in our lives.”

kelvin: never give up

Kevin has just one message; one that is simple but powerful. 

Never give up. Life can be incredibly tough and isn't meant to be easy. Think of it like a movie where you are the main character. Life can could set you back million times, you know, till the end of your life. But if you give up, that's the day your life will end.

As long as you keep pushing forward, time will heal and things will get better

This is something I remind myself of constantly and I hope it resonates with everyone else, too.”

As we close the chapter on Victor and Kelvin's extraordinary journey as expedition leaders through Beyond Limits 7, it's clear that their experience transcended the physical challenges of the trek. Through unyielding terrain and extreme conditions, Victor and Kelvin not only demonstrated exceptional leadership but also embraced a transformative personal journey. Their insights reveal that true leadership is as much about navigating internal landscapes as it is about guiding others through external ones.

These two expedition leaders’ story invites us to reflect on our own challenges and leadership styles. 

What lessons have you learned from your own challenges, and how have they shaped your approach to leadership and personal growth?

As we look ahead to Beyond Limits 8 and 9, we are reminded that every expedition is an opportunity for profound growth and impactful change. 

Are you ready to embark on a journey that will push your boundaries and ignite your spirit? Embark on Beyond Limits 8 in Bhutan from December 12-21, 2024, and traverse the enchanting realm of the Thunder Dragon in support of the Breast Cancer Foundation.

Or gear up for Beyond Limits 9: ‘ON ICE’ 2.0 in Mongolia, where from February 6-16, 2025, you’ll face the exhilarating extremes of a frozen landscape.

Article written by: Valerie

Valerie, a freelance writer with a quirky infatuation with steamed buns and slightly bizarre food combinations. 

(“Try soft-boiled eggs and hot milo!”)

She wishes to keep writing stories that bypass typical food reviews and appreciation of scenery, stories that inspire readers to pursue curious conversations about the unique cultures and lifestyles of every country.


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