Redefining Leadership Amidst Kyrgyzstan's Majestic Mountains: An Interview with Kelvin and Victor, Expedition Leaders of Beyond Limits 7
In this exclusive interview with Kelvin and Victor, discover how Kelvin and Victor led a diverse team of 13 through the extreme conditions of Beyond Limits 7, all while supporting the Breast Cancer Foundation. We'll dive into a deeper understanding of these leaders, their evolving journey with leadership, and the profound impact of their expedition on their lives.
Trek to the home of the Laya, Bhutan : exclusive annual royal highlander festival, initiated by his majesty, king of bhutan
Explore Bhutan's Royal Highlander Festival, an annual event initiated by His Majesty, the King of Bhutan. Immerse yourself in cultural performances, highland competitions, and traditional delicacies amidst the stunning Himalayan landscape.
Journey to the Last Reindeer Herders: A Glimpse into the Life of Mongolia's Tsaatan People
Embark on a journey to one of Mongolia's most remote locations, deep into its Taiga, where the last of the reindeer herders reside! Join Maya as she shares the transformative lessons learned during her two-night stay with the reindeer nomads, highlighting the positive impact traveling can bring.
A Driver's Tale: Discovering Mongolia's Heart and Soul with Nyamka
When we travel, we tend to focus on the itinerary, but it's often the little moments and the people we meet along the way that truly define a trip. Dive into the story of the bond that blossomed between Maya and Nyamka, the driver who took her 960 kilometers to the north of Mongolia!